Here are ten facts about the African Disability Protocol:

  1. The African Disability Protocol is a legal framework that aims to promote disability rights in African countries 1.
  2. It was adopted in 2018 as the Disability Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (Banjul Charter) 1.
  3. The protocol is unique to the continent and takes African practices and concerns into consideration so that the lives of people with disabilities improve 1.
  4. It ensures that no one is truly left behind and tackles the ingrained issues of disability discrimination so that everyone can access health, education, and employment without stigma 1.
  5. The protocol will come into effect only after it is signed and ratified (made legally binding) by 15 member states of the African Union 1.
  6. As of May 2021, the protocol had 10 signatures and only one ratification with several states at various stages in their ratification efforts 1.
  7. The African Disability Protocol is an essential step towards ensuring that people with disabilities are not left behind and that their rights are protected 1.
  8. It is vital that African Union states ratify the protocol and implement it to improve the lives of millions of people with disabilities 1.
  9. The protocol is based on the social and human rights approach to disability, which is different from the medical and charity approaches that are dominant in many of the preexisting African human rights instruments 1.
  10. The African Disability Protocol is an important tool for promoting disability rights in Africa and ensuring that people with disabilities are not left behind 1
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